In case you didnt receive this message, a positive news from Questnet.
They have reportedly sent an SMS to many IRs Mobile Number. I am putting here the content of message.
"Msg frm QN India :- QN India reports a significant developement in its legal case pending before the Supreme Court in India. QNI appealed to the highest court in India, against an order of the Chennai High Court which recently reopened a 2003 case against it. The SC not only admitted the case prima facie but also granted an interim stay on the ongoing investigations by the police against QNI.This is an important step in QNI's attempts to prove its legitimacy in india as there must be prima facie good merit in a case prior to a stay being obtained in the Supreme court. The case will be heard in the Supreme Court in due course & QNI is confident of a positive outcome. This will help QNI to prove its innocence & vindicate Ms. Pushpam, MD."
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